Green Christmas Gifts

It wouldn't be a 'green' Christmas without some green Christmas gift ideas.  Below are some great ideas for the greenies out there and for those wishing to spread the green love this festive season!

Stainless Steel Water Bottles
I have a new range of bottles just in from Zenki from their Hi-Vibes Collection.  Words and symbols have power and this range of Zenki bottle designs have been lovingly created with that in mind. Whether you are energetically aware, or just love the designs - these bottles will give a real lift wherever you go!

Special price for Christmas - 750ml bottles just $17.50 and 500ml bottles just $15.00. 
Buy four bottles and receive one free!

Eco Bags
Using an eco bag doesn't mean being daggy.  The Australiana range of SAKitToMe bags come in great designs, are strong, can pack away quite a bit, washable and they fold away to store easily in your handbag or backpack.  Each bag comes folded in their own little attached bag and with a little gift tag - would make a great stocking stuffer.

Christmas special - bags just $6 each or Two for $10.

Insulated Stainless Steel Coffee Mugs
These have been very popular and a great gift idea.  The coffee mug fits into any car's cup holder and easily slides under a coffee machine. Just hand it over to your barista for eco-friendly coffee.
Mugs are double-walled so they are cool to touch, whilst your morning beverage stays piping hot for longer. And with a leak-proof lid they make the complete reusable package. Press the convenient lid for easy open and re-press for close mechanism. Liquid will remain hot for up to 5 hours if the lid is kept closed.

Just $20 each!
* also comes in a blue design which will be available soon

You can check out the full range of items at my website but at the moment these specials are only available to my greenie followers so please email me at if you would like to purchase any of the above.

Happy Green Christmas shopping!

Green Me OZ

All wrapped up!

As you know we are having a 'green christmas' this year.  So I thought I would tackle the wrapping dilemma - what to wrap in?  We waste so much paper during the festive season so there must be a better option than going out and buying masses of Christmas paper.  Well I asked some of my fans on Facebook and they came up with the following ideas:
  • recycle the Christmas paper from last year
  • use pieces of fabric and tie together using ribbon
  • use butchers paper and get the kids to paint or draw on it
  • put your gift in a reusable bag - the gift that keeps on giving.  By the way I have some very nice eco bags that would do the trick ;)
  • use old newspapers printed with potato print Xmas designs
  • recycle the kids artwork
  • use a tea towel or scarf
  • use a reusable wrap from A Good Wrap - they are coming out with Christmas designs
Some great ideas! Thanks Jessica, Lee, Julie and A Good Wrap.   If you have some ideas please post below.

Green Me OZ

Getting Social

Did you know that Green Me OZ is on Facebook and Twitter?   Follow us now to be informed of some great ideas and specials for's just around the corner!


Green Me OZ

The best Sultana Cake ever!

Ok, so this is not quite my usual post but I suggested this great recipe to someone and have since had heaps of requests for it so thought this the easiest place to share.  If you are looking for a great Sultana Cake recipe then look no further. This one is divine - a favourite in our household and has been passed down through our family.  It is also makes a great Christmas Cake :)


180gms self raising flour
180gms plain flour
250gms sugar
3 eggs
250gms butter (I use fairy margarine)
6 drops vanilla essence
9 drops lemon essence
3 drops almond essence
375gm packet of sultanas
2 tablespoons water

  • Melt butter and sugar together (I put a heat proof bowl on top of a saucepan of boiling water to do this part)
  • Once melted, take off heat and add eggs one at a time and mix well.
  • Add essences.
  • Sift in flours and mix well (hand mix using a fork works best - don't use an electric mixer).
  • Add sultanas - IMPORTANT:  sultanas should have been brought to the boil then simmered for approx 6 mins.  Set aside to cool slightly and then add to mixture. This part of the recipe ensures you have a moist cake.
  • Add the 2 tablespoons of water.
  • Pour recipe mix into a lined round cake tin and bake for approx 2 hours, 15 minutes at 150c.  Baking time will depend on your oven.  Check your cake at around 1hr 50 minutes.  Use a skewer through the middle of the cake to see if the cake is cooked - if it comes out with dough on it its not ready.
Happy cooking. If you try it out let me know how you go. 

Green Me OZ

I'm dreaming of a Green Christmas

During the Christmas period so much goes to waste - wrapping paper, unwanted presents, food, drinks, plastic plates etc. Not only does it burn a hole in our pockets but it adds greatly to the landfills around the World.   With this in mind I thought this year I am going to have an eco friendly Christmas.  Now I have two small kids so I still need to make it all christmassy and not to boring so over the next couple of months I will provide ideas on how to have an eco-friendly, kid-friendly Christmas - if you have ideas please feel free to provide details below in the comments section or email me at

So what is my theme for Christmas?
Well it is tradition in our family to have a hot Christmas lunch, no matter the temperature (which is usually hot hot hot!!), followed by leftovers for dinner.  So for us it will be lunch inside and dinner outside on the verandah.

I love red, green  and white for Christmas so I am sticking with the traditional Christmas theme but chucking in the eco-friendly, aussie touch. I call it the 'Green Aussie Christmas'.  Here are a couple of ideas:
  • Table decorations: euclyptus leaves, bottle brush and gumnuts.  Save a couple of old jars to use as vases.
  • I'm going for the cloth napkins - will stick with a neutral colour which means you can reuse them for other occassions.
  • I invested in a white dinner setting and accessories years ago so again, it can be used year in year out,  no matter what the trends are.
  • Handmade Christmas Crackers.  I made these one year and they were great.  Just use toilet paper rolls, some left over paper and ribbons.  You can write your own jokes or messages to include in the middle along with some yummy chocolates.  You can even personalise them and use them as a table place setting as well.  I'll pop some photos up of mine once they are done.
  • Outside I will be using the same table decorations plus my beautiful Ecococoon cups  (see picture below).
  • Solar christmas lights and lanterns around the verandah and in the garden.  You can pick these up quite cheap now at the discount stores. Make sure you put them up well in advance so they have time to charge.
  • Invest in some mozzie candles for outside. 
  • NO disposable plates, glasses, napkins or cutlery.

Ecococoon cup set in 'Celebration Red'.
Set of six plus cover for just $38.00 including postage.

Well that's a start.  What green theme ideas do you have?

Green Me OZ

We have the power

They say it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks.  When it comes to changing people's bad habits into green habits ie recycling, saving energy, choosing green alternatives and respecting the Earth, it can be hard but one area where it is a lot easier is with our kids.

I was walking home after picking up my daughter from school when I overhead a couple of young girls, probably about 9 years old, talking about a plastic bag that was flying by.  One girl commented "we should pick up that plastic bag before it goes into the ocean and it gets stuck on a turtle", she then giggled and they walked off.  I think perhaps her intentions were good but she was embarrassed when her friend did not respond.   This got me thinking......perhaps the message is getting through.

My kids only use stainless steel water bottles and cups - they know no different.  We use eco bags, we recycle, we save energy, we respect the planet.  To them, this is a normal part of life, not something they have to adjust to.  By making this a part of our everyday life we have the power people! Let's use it and educate our kids on helping the environment and how they can make smart green choices.

Think green. Live green. Love green.

Green Me OZ

Hanging Plastic Bottle Garden

I came across an article and great idea which I have to share with you. Basically they have used old plastic bottles and created a hanging garden. What a fantastic idea.

Hanging garden made from old plastic bottles

Well actually I am in two minds about it.  I absolutely love the idea of recycling and using dead space to create something like this BUT the bottles will obviously contain BPA and as they are in direct sunlight they will be heated. I would imagine that BPA would leach into the soil and hence the plants that are growing in them.   It would be such a great school project but I am torn by the possibility of BPA exposure.

What are your thoughts on this?

Green Me OZ

Open Mic Week

Are you fighting for a cause?  Are you passionate about something and want to share it with other people?  For those of you who know me know that I am passionate about Bisphenol-A (BPA) and fighting to get it listed as a toxic chemical. 

To help spread the word on other issues, I've decided to have an 'open mic' week on the Green Me OZ blogspot.  Everyday for one week I will blog about your cause or campaign (as long as it is a green, healthy one) - a different cause/campaign/awareness each day.

If you are interested simply email me the details -

Blogs posted will be at random and I cannot guarantee everyones will be posted but I will try.

Spreading the green love.

Green Me OZ

Healthy Habits

When you were a kid do you remember what you used to drink out of?  I can remember drinking cold cordial out of a stainless steel cup that had been stored in the fridge - ah, what a way to cool down on a hot summer's day.  Today most kids drink out of plastic cups before they can manage a glass. If you have kids you know that kids somehow always seem to drop, knock over or spill their cup so plastic seems the better option. But is it? Well in short no.

Most of the plastic stuff we use contains Bisphenol-A (BPA) unless it states otherwise.  This means that the cup may leach BPA into whatever is in the cup.  If you kid bites the cup, which a lot do, then they are ingesting this as well.  BPA is an endocrine disruptor and there is great concern for children as their bodies are at an early development stage and have immature systems for detoxifying chemicals. 

So what can you do?  Switch to stainless steel cups.  My kids, aged 6 years and almost 2 years, use the cups and absolutely love them.  They have been dropped plenty of times and survived. But if you do use plastic cups make sure they are BPA-free. 

Ecococoon Stainless Steel Cup Set in 'Celebration Red'
Also comes in 'Retro 70's' design

We owe it to our kids to give them the best start in life so let's give them a chemical-free life. Choose BPA-free products where you can. Look around your kitchen and see how much plastic you have and what you can get rid of to reduce their exposure.  If you were like me, you have draws and cupboards full of plastic ware.  I've made the change over slowly as I know it can be expensive. But each time you get rid of a plastic item and replace it with a BPA-free option, you are making a healthy change.

I currently have stainless steel cup sets on special via my Facebook page or you can email me at  Set of six for just $37.00 and free postage.  Set comes with a cover so you can take them with you on picnics, in the car or camping.

Go green!

Green Me OZ

And the patients are fed BPA

I had a recent stay in hospital (that's another blog post) and as a patient noticed the amount of plastic that is used just to feed patients ie plastic bowls, plates, cups and utensils. Now this is definitely not BPA-free plastic and it is kind of a concern especially when the food is being heated in these containers. Imagine what is being leached into the food and beverages.  And when you are stuck in that hospital bed recovering and hungry you don't really have much choice but to eat what is in front of you.

I don't blame the hospitals - obviously there is a huge cost factor. But you have to think of the health of the patients as well don't you??  They are all there because they are not that well, so being fed food and beverages in plastic that leaches Bisphenol-A really can't be helping their health.

We need to stand up against the Government for not enforcing a ban on BPA.  Help me fight the fight - join our campaign by voting at GetUp!

Green Me OZ

Five easy ways to avoid BPA

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a toxic chemical, however it is still used in the manufacturing process to make many of the products we use everyday.  Eliminating BPA from your life can take some time so to get you started here are five easy things you can do:
  • Cut back on canned food - where you can, buy fresh or frozen food rather than canned. BPA in the lining of the can can leach into the food.
  • Try to avoid those cheap plastic takeaway containers. Take your own BPA-free container and ask the shop to put your order in that instead.
  • Reheating in the microwave - don't use plastic containers unless they are marked BPA-free.  The plastic when heated can leach BPA into your food.
  • Switch to BPA-free water bottles - the majority of plastic bottles on the market are made using BPA.  Go for stainless steel bottles or BPA-free bottles.  Dont' use aluminium as the lining still contains toxins.
  • Use metal or wooden utensils when you cook and use wooden cutting boards instead of plastic ones. 
Eliminating BPA from your life can be done - join us on the journey to a healthier life!

Green Me OZ

Growing fruit and vegetables...naturally

If you are about to start a veggie patch or plant a fruit tree it’s worthwhile doing a bit of research before you start. Did you know that a lot of the seeds and plants that you purchase are from chemical and pharmaceutical giants Monsanto, Dupont and Bayer. If you buy these seeds they will need chemicals to survive and grow. Those chemicals are then in your fruit and vegetables so in essence if you think you are growing an organic garden, you are not.

But there is hope. I discovered a great organisation called Seed Savers Network. This network will assist you to find, grow and even distribute locally adapted seeds that are free from chemicals.

Check out

Another great way to rid yourself and your family from chemicals!


Plastic toys

Have you noticed how plastic toys have taken over your house? Everything is plastic now - what happened to the good old fashioned wooden toys? Well they still exist but it is just a matter of finding them.

If you have kids you know that they will put just about everything in their mouth. Now if you stop to consider that the plastic toy they are currently biting on probably contains Bisphenol-A and other toxins, would you let them? BPA in particular, has not been banned in Australia and many other countries so there is a good chance that your childrens toys contain it.  So what? 

Well BPA is a endocrine disruptor and causes abnormalities to the thyroid hormone.  Thyroid dysfunction is common in children with autism and can cause other other neurodevelopmental disorders.  The thyroid hormone is also critical for brain development in early life, and even small alterations in hormone levels can have serious consequences; long-lasting and perhaps irreversible consequences in terms of brain function.

That's good enough reason to ditch the plastic and switch to wooden toys. But before you go out and purchase those wooden goodies just make sure they are not a cheap imitation and painted with toxic paint. 

Want to read more about BPA and its affect on children?   Check out this new article on CNN Health.


Follow the green love

Follow me on Facebook and keep up-to-date with great green specials on all my products.

Green Me OZ on Facebook

This weeks special - Retro 70's Stainless Steel Cup Set (set of six in cover) for just $38 including postage - that's a savings of over $15!

BPA-free, funky design - great for picnics, camping, glovebox or everyday use.

Toxic BPA

A big thank you to 60 Minutes for their story on Bisphenol-A (BPA). Perhaps now people will start to take notice. To the people that think this is just a scare tactic to get mothers to buy a product, well it is in so many of our products, not just baby bottles. And besides, do you want to take the risk?

Today I will put up more information on BPA but in the meantime you can check out the 'About BPA' tab or some of my past blogs.

If you would like to show your support to get BPA listed as a toxic chemical please sign my campaign suggestion at GetUp! to get BPA on the toxic chemical list. Thanks


World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day - a day for positive environmental action. I try to make everyday (well almost) a positive environmental action day but on this day across the globe, people come together to bring awareness about our environment and take action.

So what are you going to do? Well it really is up to you - perhaps plant a tree, plant a veggie garden, walk instead of take the car, teach your kids about recycling, pick up rubbish, turn off the tv or turn off the lights. These actions all have a positive effect on our environment.

Funny enough our day started with my girls getting up at 5.30am. They were playing in their room quite well until 5.45am when we had a power blackout.  5.46am screams from two little girls!  So we all got up and sat in the dark for a while, then lit a candle and played together. A great way to start World Environment Day I think :)

Whatever you do I hope you have a beautiful day on this beautiful planet. Go outside, take a good look around you and appreciate the wonder of nature and the World we live in.


Taking action against BPA

For some time now, through my blog, facebook page and website, I have been sharing information about Bisphenol-A (BPA), what it is and what studies are showing. I do this in the hope that I can help people make informed product choices that help them look after their health and wellbeing. 

BPA is a toxic chemical that is used in so many of our products. Studies show how bad this chemical is and the potential health affects on us yet it is still not banned here in Australia or listed as a toxic chemical.  So I've decided to step it up a bit and have submitted a suggestion to asking for them to take action to help get BPA listed as a toxic chemical in Australia. By doing this it will help spread the word about how bad BPA is and hopefully more people will start to choose BPA-free products.

I would love your support. - please click on the below link and submit your vote.

Submit your vote here  or if you can't click on the link go to this address

Please help me put Bisphenol-A on the toxic chemical list here in Australia.

Share me and spread the green love :)


Microwave popcorn toxic?

Nooooooooo, not the microwave popcorn! But alas, yes.  Apparently microwave popcorn bags are lined with toxic perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This possible carcinogen when heated releases the toxins into the popcorn which you then eat. Yuck.

A good reason to go for the good old fashioned popcorn.

Share me and spread the green news.


The difference a garden makes

Last year we moved into a new house, well an old house in a new location.  When we moved in I was so excited by the beautiful garden but I had no idea how wonderful it actually was. After living here for a full year we now have been witness to the wonders of the garden.

Summertime the large trees surrounding the house are covered in leaves providing a natural shade and cooling effect for the house.  Come Autumn, the trees lose all their leaves letting the sunshine through to us and giving us that extra bit of sunshine to warm us up.

Mayela raking up the leaves

Now I know this is nothing new but I think it takes a bit of working out to plant effectively in order to provide your house with energy savings.  Our garden keeps our house cooler in summer and that extra bit of sunshine in autumn and winter hitting the windows gives us a bit more warmth and light.  The variety of flowers and plants bring all sorts of wildlife to our garden which is both fantastic for the kids and some what therapeutic to me.  For such a long time I had not seen a butterfly, now I see them everyday.

Hats off to the gardener who planned and planted this garden and a big thank you!


The long journey to baby

As a mother of two young children I know how precious they are and how blessed I am to have them.  The journey to have kids is not always easy - I had three miscarriages and at the time they could not tell me why.  Some women try and try and try and just can't fall pregnant at all or have continious miscarriages. They often seek out IVF, a costly and very emotional experience, without any joy.  Why are we finding it harder to have children?  What can we do to try and increase our chances?

Through my journey and research I found a few issues that certainly contributed to my miscarriages so I would like to share with you in the hope that I can help someone else or perhaps you know someone who is trying to get pregant with no luck.

Exposure to toxins
Studies have linked Bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates to fertility issues in both men and women as well as recurrent miscarriage.

Phthalates—commonly used to soften plastics or to add fragrance to personal care products. Animal studies link phthalate exposure in the womb to a greater risk of infertility, genital birth defects, and testicular cancer.

Bisphenol A (BPA)—a widely used plastic and epoxy resin component. Extensive research has linked BPA to cancer, early puberty, altered brain development, metabolic disturbances, and other serious medical problems.

Undiagnosed Thyroid problem
Thyroid conditions are one of the most undiagnosed conditions and often causes many problems for people.  Women who are suffering from an undiagnosed thyroid condition or are not on the right medication are more likely to miscarry or suffer a stillbirth.

Now this is a lot of information and could it be relevent to you? It may seem far fetched that it could be, or could it?   As I said before, I have suffered three miscarriages. Turns out that after many years of suffering I was recently diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease (thyroid condition) and a tumour on my parathyroid - all of which contributed to my recurrent miscarriages.  There are many reasons why you could get a thyroid condition - hereditry, exposure to toxins (yes BPA again), age, hormonal issues, exposure to certain drugs, diet...the list goes on.

What can you do?
  • Reduce your exposure to toxins - switch to BPA-free products (stainless steel bottles, stainless steel cups or glasses, glass jars instead of plastic, cotton shower curtains, don't microwave with plastic products), use less canned food and go fresh, avoid plastic wrap and any products in plastic.  Do not re-use single use plastic water bottles.
  • Get tested - if you think you may have a thyroid problem go to your GP. Before you go read up on it so you are informed. I have listed a few sources for you below.
'Living Well With Hypothyroidism', Mary J Shomon (you can get the book or check out her website)
Mary J Shomon website -
Thyroid Australia Website -

Now I am not saying that this could solve your problem but it may just help. It has helped me.

Share me please  :)


Things that make me happy

I have to admit that being green can sometimes be hard. Not that I am a super greenie, really I am just trying to live a healthier life and hoping to make my kids lives a little bit healthier as well.

My eldest daughter is 5 1/yrs old and I am now starting to see the fruits of my labour. My little girl only uses a stainless steel water bottle (must have her bottle with her at all times - her request), has her own eco bag and is an avid recycler.    She often switches things off telling me we are wasting electricity and goes mad when she sees litter on the street. Ah, I am a proud mum :)

I was so happy the other month when finally, after months and months of preaching to my sister about the dangers of reusing plastic water bottles, she finally switched over to stainless steel water bottles. She now loves them!  Water really does taste better in stainless steel.

My Sister's fridge :)

So we can make a change and by showing our children they accept it as part of their life. Sometimes we can convert family members or friends and that is just a bonus! Whether they continue on with these 'green habits' is another question but at least we have shown them the right way.

Eco bags - not just for green sake

Many years ago I decided to give eco bags a try.  I was living in Sydney with no car so often found myself on the bus or walking down the street trying to lug around my groceries and trying to avoid that horrible moment when the plastic bag rips and your groceries go everywhere!  So I am pretty sure my investment in my first eco bag was for vanity sake - I hate chasing rolling cans across the footpath, very embarrassing.

Years later they are just a part of life now and I couldn't imagine going back to plastic. I find I can pack a whole lot of groceries in them without the fear of the bag breaking and they don't cut into my hands.

When I started up Green Me OZ I searched for eco bags that were not only user friendly but looked a bit more appealing, especially to us chics.  I was so happy when I came across Envirotrend and their great range.  They look good and they fold up and can be easily stored in your handbag.

I've converted so many people to these bags and even did a fundraiser for my daughters school selling them.

So I must admit I ditched plastic to save face but ended up saving the environment...well sort of :)

Water bottles in the car

I was out for my daily walk the other day with my two girls.  It was a nice warm day and as we walked past a car I noticed that the person had left their plastic water bottle in the front - you know, right in front of the stereo where most people stick their bottles.  I wondered if that person was going to drink the rest of the water in that bottle or reuse the bottle. I hope not. Why you ask?  Well plastic bottles especially when reused or exposed to heat will release chemicals from the plastic water bottle into your drinking water. These chemicals including phthalates and BPA are proving to be very dangerous to your body as basically they are endocrine disruptor's. Doesn't sound good and it's not.

When you leave your car locked up the temperature rises significantly so you can image how hot that plastic bottle gets and how easily chemicals can be released from the plastic into the water.  Probably not something we usually think about but now with more information coming out about what those plastic bottles are made from it is time to be informed and change our habits.

Ditch the plastic!

Turn off the lights!

Do you ever get sick of turning off the lights after everybody? I know I do. Well it got me thinking, how can I get them to start turning off the lights? Hit them where it hurts! 

I've created a 'light jar' - everytime someone in our household 'accidently' leaves a light on they are slugged with a 'light fee'.  For grown-ups (and me included) this is $1.00 each time I catch them and for the kids it is .50 cents.   Makes them think twice before leaving a room and helps with the electricity bill.

Now to get started on the 'tv fee' for leaving the tv on or maybe just make it a 'stop wasting electricity!' jar  :)

The evil shower curtain

I was reading a very interesting article this morning about shower curtains. Sad but true.  Do you remember the smell when you open a brand new shower curtain? Well apparently that smell is no good for us. That smell is actually the off-gassing of chemicals from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. One of the chemicals is a phthalate which studies are showing is disruptive to the endocrine system which ultimately may have many health effects.

It is recommended that you go for a cotton or bamboo shower curtain - something made from natural fibers.  Now you may have to clean it more often to keep the mold at bay but isn't that a good trade off compared to breathing in chemicals?

My plastic free journey - an outcome

As some of you might know I have started on the 'plastic free' journey. A huge journey but I am just taking it one step at a time.  A funny thing I have discovered though - my recycle bin has halved and my waistline is decreasing!

Through research that I do for my website and blog I have found out all sorts of information on what our plastic bottles and aluminium cans are lined with - all sorts of nasties that are invading our bodies and making them sick  That has really helped me not only to stop buying products that are packaged this way (and instead buy fresh options) but also has helped the waistline a bit.  You see I now think twice before picking up that bottle of soft drink in the supermarket or the lolly packets and chips wrapped in plastic, and cordial.  And for some reason my mind has decided that pre-packaged sauces are no good either - you know the spaghetti sauces, Indian sauces etc. Most of them are packaged in glass but I started to take note of what crap actually is in these products - but that's another blog post. 

Now if I can only get the supermarkets and local shop to stop trying to package my goods in plastic bags even though I give them my eco's clean (and not smelly) and it is so much easier to carry my groceries in.  But they still try to chuck a plastic bag in....why?

Hot Coffee

Last year we moved to the country for a better life but prior to that I was a slave to work in Sydney, up early to drop my daughter off to daycare and then a quick dash to the train station to get to work in time. It was always a rush in the morning and I often missed out on my morning coffee and would be on the train hanging for my caffeine hit.  So when I discovered this new product I thought "wow, wish that was around when I was doing the trek".

Cheeki have come out with a unique non-spill insulated coffee mug.  The difference with this one is that it takes one finger to depress the lid and you can then drink from anywhere around the rim - anywhere. No need to turn the mug around to a nozzle! Then simply one finger depress to seal it again.  Even better the mug keeps your coffee hot without burning your hands - don't you hate it when you are holding one of those disposable cups and they are burning your hand!

They also come in some great designs for men and women!

Buy them online at my online store -

Let me know about your morning treks to work or to drop off the kids.  Would this insulated mug come in handy for you?

Aluminium vs Stainless Steel

A few people have recently asked me what is the difference between aluminium and stainless steel (when it comes to water bottles). Good question and one I thought I would add to my blog especially after seeing cheap BPA-free aluminium bottles in the supermarket today.

So what's the difference?

  • Most stainless steel bottles are made from Premium 304 food grade stainless steel and should have BPA-free attachments ie the lids.
    • Chemicals will not leak from the stainless steel or the BPA-free attachments into your drinking water.
    • Stainless steel bottles are stronger and will last longer than aluminium.
  • Bottles made from aluminium are usually lined with plastic and therefore may still leach chemicals into your water. These bottles are often cheaper however they are not really helping you health wise. Studies are being done on the effects of chemicals leached from aluminium including the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

What to look for when buying a new bottle:
  • When looking for a new bottle you should look for one that is 304 food grade stainless steel and that is clearly marked BPA-free.

Many supermarkets and large variety stores are now stocking water bottles labelling them BPA free and they are quite cheap. But be careful - many of these are aluminium or are made from cheap stainless steel. 

If you are stuck for choice then check out the water bottles on my site

Plastic free life

How did we become a society so engulfed in plastic? Look around your house and see how much plastic you use - containers, toys, shower curtain, remotes, phones, bottles - all made from petrochemicals.

Perhaps the large companies have provided us with so many cheap products and we have slowly purchased them and accepted a plastic way of life without knowing the consequences. Not our fault really as no-one, up until now, has informed us of how plastic is made, what it is made from and the potential health risks for us.

I joined the plastic bandwagon years ago - love my plastic storage containers and with two kids we are inundated with plastic toys. Well, enough is enough and I am now tackling the job of ridding my family of plastic. Do you want to join me?

Now I know that this could be a very long and perhaps costly task so one step at a time I think. I'll create a 'plastic-free challenge list' - if you have an idea please feel free to comment and we can add it to the list.

So here we go on our journey to a plastic-free, healthier life :) Good luck!

Say NO to BPA and NO to petrochemicals! A healthier life for us and the planet!

That crazy anti-bpa chick

I probably seem like the anti-bpa crazy woman by now but I do it because I care. On a daily basis I find new information about how bad this chemical is and what damage it is doing to us. But unfortunately until it is banned in Australia a lot of people don't want to know about it or aren't aware of it. So I will continue to seek and provide the info that I find and hopefully spread the word.

I hear a lot of people saying that they re-use their single use plastic water bottle ie bottled water they have bought and continue to refill and reuse. Whilst this might seem like a good idea, it's not.


1. Bacteria can easily contaminate the bottles as they are hard to properly clean inside.
2. As the bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate, over time the bottles can degrade and leach phthalates into the water you are drinking.

What does this mean?
BPA and phthalates are endocrine disruptors, and studies have linked them to various health problems including birth defects in baby boys (small genitalia and undescended testes) and fertility issues in both men and women. These are not the only problems - there are many more!

If this is not enough to stop people from re-using plastic bottles then what is?

Let's spread the word and help each other. Ditch the plastic and switch to BPA-free bottles.

BPA linked to fertility problems

More interesting information found during research this morning. BPA is linked to fertility problems in men and women.

A must read for all those trying to have babies or who know someone that is.

And the cats suffer too!

It's amazing what you find when researching. This morning I found this information on cats. The article talks about how cats can have thyroid problems and one possible cause is.....BPA!

The site states "Hyperthyroidism is the most common hormone abnormality in cats. It is very rare in dogs. It is a disease of older cats. The average age at which it is first diagnosed is 13. Nine out of ten cats that develop hyperthyroidism are over ten years old."

AND when talking about the cause:

"The second possible culprit is a chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA) which is used to coat the inside of cat food cans. We know from a 2000 EPA study that cats that eat canned foods – particularly those that have fish flavor, are more susceptible to hyperthyroidism."

Check out the article to find out more.

Article on BPA from Mother Nature Network

If you have a few minutes spare today please read this article - this is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about informing people about BPA and offering BPA-free products.

BPA - why we should be concerned

As mentioned in my previous blog, BPA is an industrial chemical.

Why should you be worried? It is used to make things such as water bottles, baby bottles, baby dummies and plastic containers.

Many tests have been done worldwide to find out the effects of BPA exposure in humans. There is concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behaviour and prostate gland in foetuses, infants and young children. Concern is highest for young children as their bodies are at an early development stage and have immature systems for detoxifying chemicals.

If that is not scary enough......BPA is an 'Endocrine disruptor' and is listed as a cause for an underactive thyroid. Studies have also found that it could potentially be linked with recurrent miscarriage.

It is mentioned as the potential source of many problems but at this stage we do not know to what degree. In depth studies continue to clarify uncertainties like how much exposure is harmful.

So at this point in time we are not sure exactly how much damage it is doing but do we really want to take the risk?

Next blog: What you can do to reduce your exposure.

BPA Awareness - What is BPA?

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical.

It is used to make polycarbonate plastic resins, exposy resins and other products for example water bottles, baby bottles, baby dummies and plastic containers (plus much much more).

In many countries it has been banned however in Australia it is still used in many of our products.

More than likely the water bottle you are using or the plastic container you are heating your food up in the microwave contain BPA.

The Australian Government has recently announced a phase out of plastic baby bottles containing BPA however there are still many on the shelves that contain it.

Next blog - Why you should be worried.

BPA Awareness Month

Here at Green Me OZ,February is BPA Awareness Month.
Find out what it is and what potential dangers it poses by us using products that contain BPA.

Stay tuned......