Hot Coffee

Last year we moved to the country for a better life but prior to that I was a slave to work in Sydney, up early to drop my daughter off to daycare and then a quick dash to the train station to get to work in time. It was always a rush in the morning and I often missed out on my morning coffee and would be on the train hanging for my caffeine hit.  So when I discovered this new product I thought "wow, wish that was around when I was doing the trek".

Cheeki have come out with a unique non-spill insulated coffee mug.  The difference with this one is that it takes one finger to depress the lid and you can then drink from anywhere around the rim - anywhere. No need to turn the mug around to a nozzle! Then simply one finger depress to seal it again.  Even better the mug keeps your coffee hot without burning your hands - don't you hate it when you are holding one of those disposable cups and they are burning your hand!

They also come in some great designs for men and women!

Buy them online at my online store -

Let me know about your morning treks to work or to drop off the kids.  Would this insulated mug come in handy for you?

Aluminium vs Stainless Steel

A few people have recently asked me what is the difference between aluminium and stainless steel (when it comes to water bottles). Good question and one I thought I would add to my blog especially after seeing cheap BPA-free aluminium bottles in the supermarket today.

So what's the difference?

  • Most stainless steel bottles are made from Premium 304 food grade stainless steel and should have BPA-free attachments ie the lids.
    • Chemicals will not leak from the stainless steel or the BPA-free attachments into your drinking water.
    • Stainless steel bottles are stronger and will last longer than aluminium.
  • Bottles made from aluminium are usually lined with plastic and therefore may still leach chemicals into your water. These bottles are often cheaper however they are not really helping you health wise. Studies are being done on the effects of chemicals leached from aluminium including the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

What to look for when buying a new bottle:
  • When looking for a new bottle you should look for one that is 304 food grade stainless steel and that is clearly marked BPA-free.

Many supermarkets and large variety stores are now stocking water bottles labelling them BPA free and they are quite cheap. But be careful - many of these are aluminium or are made from cheap stainless steel. 

If you are stuck for choice then check out the water bottles on my site

Plastic free life

How did we become a society so engulfed in plastic? Look around your house and see how much plastic you use - containers, toys, shower curtain, remotes, phones, bottles - all made from petrochemicals.

Perhaps the large companies have provided us with so many cheap products and we have slowly purchased them and accepted a plastic way of life without knowing the consequences. Not our fault really as no-one, up until now, has informed us of how plastic is made, what it is made from and the potential health risks for us.

I joined the plastic bandwagon years ago - love my plastic storage containers and with two kids we are inundated with plastic toys. Well, enough is enough and I am now tackling the job of ridding my family of plastic. Do you want to join me?

Now I know that this could be a very long and perhaps costly task so one step at a time I think. I'll create a 'plastic-free challenge list' - if you have an idea please feel free to comment and we can add it to the list.

So here we go on our journey to a plastic-free, healthier life :) Good luck!

Say NO to BPA and NO to petrochemicals! A healthier life for us and the planet!