Five easy ways to avoid BPA

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a toxic chemical, however it is still used in the manufacturing process to make many of the products we use everyday.  Eliminating BPA from your life can take some time so to get you started here are five easy things you can do:
  • Cut back on canned food - where you can, buy fresh or frozen food rather than canned. BPA in the lining of the can can leach into the food.
  • Try to avoid those cheap plastic takeaway containers. Take your own BPA-free container and ask the shop to put your order in that instead.
  • Reheating in the microwave - don't use plastic containers unless they are marked BPA-free.  The plastic when heated can leach BPA into your food.
  • Switch to BPA-free water bottles - the majority of plastic bottles on the market are made using BPA.  Go for stainless steel bottles or BPA-free bottles.  Dont' use aluminium as the lining still contains toxins.
  • Use metal or wooden utensils when you cook and use wooden cutting boards instead of plastic ones. 
Eliminating BPA from your life can be done - join us on the journey to a healthier life!

Green Me OZ